
日本伝統的な節を 勉強した!




The Japanese traditional events course at Tenrikyo Mission Centre Singapore, ended yesterday. It was a most interesting and enjoyable course. Consisting of four lessons, I learnt about the activities surrounding five different Japanese festive events – Lantern Festival, New Year’s Day, Girls’ Festival, Boys’ Day Celebration and Summer Festival.

Here’s sharing with everyone some basic information that I have learnt.

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お月見 Moon Viewing

Purpose? Praying for abundant harvests of ripened rice.

When? August 15 or September 13

Activities? Mochi pounding by the moon

Food? Japanese pampas grass ‘susuki’ (for prevention from illness for the whole year), sweet dumplings, yam, grapes, chestnut and beans.

Works? Japanese poems that follow a 5-7-5 syllabic structure.

In this class, I also had the chance of making of my own Japanese poem.

「夢の道 日本語習って 開こうよ。」
Translated, it reads “Let’s open the path to our dreams with the learning of Japanese.”

お正月お祝おう!Celebrating the New Year!

Happy New Year everyone!

Today, I attended the Tenrikyo New Year Service and Children’s Party, and learnt many new customs of Japanese culture.

Firstly, I saw for the first time, special Japanese food made only on the Japanese New Year, which is celebrated annually on 1st of January, unlike the New Year for the Chinese.


2012 年おめでとう~!Happy New Year !




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Here comes the new year 2012! Here I would like to wish each and everyone of you an amazing time in this new year. Thank you for your support for my blog, and please continue to give me the support like always!

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How is everyone?

I am good. Although work is a little busier than before, I may not update this blog as often as last year. I have just started a new job last week, as a lecturer in an international school, paving my way towards a future career in teaching in Japan (hopefully! *cross my fingers*). I like my current job very much, though students can be handful at times. But I will work hard in my job, and hope everyone will do well in their work too~!

My new year resolution for myself would be for things to remain the way they are now, as I am contented with what I have been given at this moment. Now is the time for me to work hard and excel at my job, save up money for a trip to Japan hopefully sometime next year.

And to Japan, I hope 2012 will be a better and safer year for everyone in Japan. I would like to wish them peace and blessings for the next year, to recover, move forward and excel.

And to everyone reading this, I hope your 2012 will be much much better than 2011, filled with warmth from your family and friends, joy and may everything good come you way.

What may your new year resolutions be? Feel free to share it with me ~

Cheers~! 😀

お正月をおめでとう!Happy New Year 2011!




Ahh, a new year has come! Now it is 2011! Happy New Year everyone! As I continue to find time to keep this blog going, and taking up the suggestions of more posts of my travel experiences and sightseeing in Japan (given by my friends) on this blog, I look forward to everyone’s support of reading this blog.

Thanks guys! My next post will be up soon!