
Tried 8QSAM yet?


I was so busy yesterday with work, that I almost forgot to eat the sushi that I had bought the day before. Remember, sushi is best eaten fresh, if you really do want to keep in the refrigerator, you have to keep it wrapped in plastic and put it in a container before putting it into the fridge. This extra step is to prevent the rice in the sushi from hardening so quickly, otherwise, your sushi will taste like cat food. If you did not know this before, you may want to keep this in mind from now on.

Well nothing much to share today, didn’t have much time to enjoy anything Japanese this weekend, which is a pity, but I intend to visit the 立喰い寿司 Standing Sushi Bar 8QSAM at Queen Street which just opened recently on Sep 27. The owner Howard is a friend of my friend, and I heard that the food there is good. You can check out their website here: http://standingsushibar.wordpress.com/ and their menu here: http://standingsushibar.com/Menu.aspx Hmm …. really should pop by one day after work …

Here are some teaser pictures my friend took when she was there:

Looks yummy right? I’m hungry already haha. No worries, I shall let you know once I tried it! =)

Until next time! じゃあ、またね。Cheers!

江戸寿司で 口をつけた!Tried Edo Sushi today!

今日の夜俺は コバンハートランドデパートへ行って、江戸寿司で八個寿司を買った。寿司の色が凄いなあ、おいしそうだ。Yes, these are the variety of sushi I bought from Edo Sushi (Kovan Heartland Mall Branch) today after work. The colors look good and fresh, and I was very eager to try some of them, although the price is a little costly. I got this packet of 8 sushis for $7.20.

Above is a picture of how it looks like. The sushis in the set include:

(from bottom left) = salmon 鮭 (さけ, “sa-ke”), shrimp 蝦 (えび, “eh-bi”), octopus 章魚 (たこ, “ta-ko”), unagi 鰻 (うなぎ, “wu-na-gi”), and

(from top left) = jellyfish 水母 (くらげ, “ku-ra-geh”), crabstick (蟹蒲, “ka-ni-ka-ma”) , scallop (海扇, “ho-ta-te-gai”) and flying fish roe 飛び魚の子 (とびうおのこ, “to-bi-wu-o-no-ko”).

Here I go then … いただきます!

The shrimp sushi (蝦寿司, pronounced as “ebisushi”) tastes good with the Japanese soy sauce (醤油, pronounced as “shouyu”) provided. However, I feel that it is still some standards away from the authentic sushis, and the rice is a little too hard, and the soy sauce is a little too diluted. I would love to try the Edo-styled sweet glaze つめ soy sauce, which is more viscous and sweet rather than salty. But of course these are too much to ask for a heartland sushi store right?

Well, I shall put the rest of them in the fridge and taste the others tomorrow then.


P.S. 江戸 (Edo, pronounced as “eh-do”) is the former name of the historic city now known as 東京 (Tokyo, pronounced as “toukyou”). Edo city was the seat of power for the Tokugawa bakufu (徳川幕府), a feudal regime, which ruled Japan during the Edo period, from 1603 to 1868.