


This episode of myJapanColors’ Japan Travel Special Series will focus on the city of Hirosaki in Aomori Prefecture. Honestly speaking, I didn’t know that this post is going to be so long until I finished it. So take your time and enjoy it and leave your comments! 🙂

Hirosaki is a city located in Aomori Prefecture in North-eastern Japan, also known as Tohoku. Famous for its castles (Hirosaki-jou) and apples, Hirosaki proves to be a quaint city to visit as one would not usually experience the hustle and bustle of urban cities there. Tourists stop by Hirosaki mostly for its historical castles, cherry blossoms, and apples produced locally.

I had some fun and memorable experiences stopping by this beautiful city and I’m glad I did. I still remember vividly that my schedule was disrupted because of a heavy rain when I arrived at Hirosaki, and I had to put off my plans of visiting the castles for the day. When the rain finally stopped, it was already past 7 in the evening, and it was already dark.

One thing I notice during my Japan trip was that the sun rises quite early in the morning, about 5am, and sets really early around 6pm. Hence you can see cars and cyclists along the roads as early as 6am and shops closing as early as 630pm.

As I was saying, I went out and found all the diners have closed for the day and there was no dinner provided at the hotel! I was quite lucky to find one little stall still open for business, but all they sell was Japanese pancakes. Not knowing what else to expect, I went in to take a look.

Yes, this is the stall I was telling you about. I wasn’t sure whether it may appear rude to be taking a picture of its entrance, hence I took the picture from an angle where I can’t be seen. But you can still make out the name on the glass window – こがね焼 or ‘koganeyaki’, which literally means ‘fried gold’ – and they are selling it at ¥50 per piece. It seemed like a good deal although I had no idea what I will be buying at that time.

And interestingly enough, now that I look back at these pictures, the yellowish light that seems to be shining through the window does make it seem like a gold mine – you know? like it really is frying gold pieces.

The shopkeeper was a kind middle-aged lady who spoke brillant English! No offence to Japanese, but it is rare to find someone who can speak English fluently, especially in areas away from Tokyo! She saw that I am not a local, and hence went on to explain to me what the pancake is, and how it should be eaten. I took a place in the stall and shortly after the pancake is served!