
とん吉のとんカツは 美味しい!






葱とろ丼を 初回食べた!



Today I went out with my colleagues for lunch at Holland Village, and I was very fortunate as my colleagues decided to visit a Japanese restaurant for lunch – SushiTei! If you remember, I made a post on SukiYaki from SushiTei not long ago, but that was from the Bedok Point branch.

In order to try something different, I ordered the ‘葱とろ丼’ (Negitoro Don) today. As ‘negi’ literally means ‘spring onion’ while ‘toro’ means premium tuna meat, this dish features minced tuna meat, spring onion and a half boiled egg spread over the Japanese rice.

Here’s a picture of how it looks like:


すき焼きを食べることは 初回!



Last Friday was Good Friday. One of my friends invited me over to her church to attend their Good Friday service, since it has been quite a while since I last went to church (I’m not Christian or Catholic by the way). Thereafter, we met up with more friends from college, and had a great time, chatting and catching up.

We went to Sushi Tei (Bedok Point) for lunch, and I ordered Sukiyaki. However, the sukiyaki this branch of Sushi Tei offered is the Nabe (鍋) version. ‘Nabe’ literally means ‘pot’. I decided to give it a try, and when the food came, it looks amazing! Check out the photos below!


シンガポールで日本料理の推薦 返る!


Yes! Once again, after a long break, I’m back with more Japanese food recommendations in Singapore!

This time, I visited a mini Japanese diner upon the recommendation of a friend who is also interested in Japanese food! The diner is really very small, and the aisles are quite narrow, however, the service is good and food is great! The name of this diner is 麺麺丼丼, which literally means “noodles and rice bowls”, and is located on Level 1 of Heartland Mall, Kovan. The nearest MRT station is Kovan (North-East Line).



ラッフルス・シティのしょくどう 高いね!


Indeed, the food at Shokudo, Japanese Food Bazaar, located at Raffles City Level B1 is simply overrated. The layout of the restaurant is similar to that of Mache, a simple pick-what-you-want-to-eat-and-pay-later kind of restaurant.

However, it is disappointing that none of the dishes offered in this large restaurant is authentic, or rather, they are dishes that are too commonly adapted for a wider group of target consumers, such that they lose that nuance of authenticity in them. Most of the dishes in Shokudo can be easily found in any other smaller cafes or in food courts, where they are charged at a much lower price. The high prices of Shokudo’s food come with the free-and-easy ambience and cosy lighting in the restaurant, but definitely the food there are not worth these prices.

Knowing that these dishes are common, I decided to try something different – something called the “Char Siew Ramen”. See here, this is what I meant by the loss of authenticity. The name itself is a good example of that. And what’s worse is that it is prepared by a non-Japanese chef (Chinese in fact), which gives the food a different touch. Also, nothing in the ramen (shown below) looks like or tastes like char siew at all.




凄い日本料理は 恵比寿星商店街で 食べた!


Yes, finally met up with two of my closest friends for dinner this evening. We went to Iluma’s Tsubohachi @ Ebisboshi Shoutengai on Level 4. Service was really good and the food is not very expensive, and in my opinion seems authentic and of good quality. I ordered the set meal while my friends ordered the ala carte dishes. We also shared a plate of dashimaki.

Here are some pictures I took during our meal there:



Inside of つぼ八


センチュエリ・スクエアで 日本料理を 食べた!


Yesterday, I went to Tampines’ Century Square after work to have lunch, and hoped to have a quiet time to do my Japanese revision. Century Square’s food court is usually less crowded as compared to other eating places in the area like Tampines Mall or Tampines One.

And I realized that there is a new Japanese cuisine stall in Century Square’s food court! Seems like I’ve not been there in quite a few years haha 🙂 Well, as a fan of Japanese food, I definitely have to try one of their best dishes! There was this dish 鮭と章魚と若布弁と (Salmon, Octopus and Wakame Bento) that was on promotion at $6, with usual price being $7. It looks good on the pictures, hence I decided to give it a try.






Last Tuesday, I went to VivoCity for dinner after work, and tried the Japanese stall named 夏の庭 (or “Summer’s Garden”) in Kopitiam. I ordered a Teriyaki Salmon Bento Set, which looks tasty:


Teriyaki Salmon Bento Set

Teriyaki Salmon Bento Set


Look at the Salmon!

However it turns out a little not as good as expected. The rice is a little too soggy, and the salmon is a little too dried up, and also has some parts of it being burnt and overcooked. Overall, not a very nice meal, though the teriyaki sauce is not bad. I might try other dishes though next time. 🙂



日本カレーが 一番美味しいなあ!


Last Friday, my colleagues and I went to this Japanese restaurant at Stamford House for dinner, before we went to the Timbre @ Substation for a night of drinking fun. The name of the Japanese restaurant is Moon River Cafe, but they set aside another store space next door for a specialized diner catered specially to Japanese curry, hence the name of the diner as カレー, or Curry Favor (in English).

The atmosphere at the diner is wonderful; the ambience there is cosy and gives a personal familiar feeling. Here are some pictures of the diner:

Nice ambience at the diner

Nice ambience at the diner

カレー, Curry Favor

Curry Favor


小林한글で 初回!

皆、しばらくだね。Miss me? Of course you did. *hurhur*

Well anyway, this week has been rather eventful! Tried many different Japanese dishes at various places. So here I’m going to post some pics of the 日本料理 that I have tried.

先週 小林한글で 俺の初回だ!

Last week, I ventured to try 小林한글 (Kobayashi Hangul) for the first time. As the name suggests, 小林한글 is a fast-food styled restaurant serving both Japanese and Korean food. I don’t really like Korean food, hence I only tried the Japanese food. Service is average, but the food is served rather quickly, even when it was peak period when I tried it.


安くて、おいしいの食物 見つけた!


Phew! Work was so busy these few days such that I hardly had the time to update this blog. If you have been waiting for my posts, sorry for the wait.

Well, on Tuesday, I was invited to MediaCorp Studios as a guest appearance and panelist speaker for one of Channelnewsasia’s current affairs talkshow BlogTV.sg, and on my way there, I stopped by Novena Square to patronize my favourite Japanese cuisine stall in the Kopitiam Food Court on Level 3. I used to work in Novena area 2 years ago, and would always buy the curry rice from this stall, as it tastes really great, as compared to the many stalls in Singapore selling Japanese curry rice.

Above is what I ate – Japanese Pork Katsu Curry Rice (豚肉カツカレーライス).


Tried 8QSAM yet?


I was so busy yesterday with work, that I almost forgot to eat the sushi that I had bought the day before. Remember, sushi is best eaten fresh, if you really do want to keep in the refrigerator, you have to keep it wrapped in plastic and put it in a container before putting it into the fridge. This extra step is to prevent the rice in the sushi from hardening so quickly, otherwise, your sushi will taste like cat food. If you did not know this before, you may want to keep this in mind from now on.

Well nothing much to share today, didn’t have much time to enjoy anything Japanese this weekend, which is a pity, but I intend to visit the 立喰い寿司 Standing Sushi Bar 8QSAM at Queen Street which just opened recently on Sep 27. The owner Howard is a friend of my friend, and I heard that the food there is good. You can check out their website here: http://standingsushibar.wordpress.com/ and their menu here: http://standingsushibar.com/Menu.aspx Hmm …. really should pop by one day after work …

Here are some teaser pictures my friend took when she was there:

Looks yummy right? I’m hungry already haha. No worries, I shall let you know once I tried it! =)

Until next time! じゃあ、またね。Cheers!

江戸寿司で 口をつけた!Tried Edo Sushi today!

今日の夜俺は コバンハートランドデパートへ行って、江戸寿司で八個寿司を買った。寿司の色が凄いなあ、おいしそうだ。Yes, these are the variety of sushi I bought from Edo Sushi (Kovan Heartland Mall Branch) today after work. The colors look good and fresh, and I was very eager to try some of them, although the price is a little costly. I got this packet of 8 sushis for $7.20.

Above is a picture of how it looks like. The sushis in the set include:

(from bottom left) = salmon 鮭 (さけ, “sa-ke”), shrimp 蝦 (えび, “eh-bi”), octopus 章魚 (たこ, “ta-ko”), unagi 鰻 (うなぎ, “wu-na-gi”), and

(from top left) = jellyfish 水母 (くらげ, “ku-ra-geh”), crabstick (蟹蒲, “ka-ni-ka-ma”) , scallop (海扇, “ho-ta-te-gai”) and flying fish roe 飛び魚の子 (とびうおのこ, “to-bi-wu-o-no-ko”).

Here I go then … いただきます!

The shrimp sushi (蝦寿司, pronounced as “ebisushi”) tastes good with the Japanese soy sauce (醤油, pronounced as “shouyu”) provided. However, I feel that it is still some standards away from the authentic sushis, and the rice is a little too hard, and the soy sauce is a little too diluted. I would love to try the Edo-styled sweet glaze つめ soy sauce, which is more viscous and sweet rather than salty. But of course these are too much to ask for a heartland sushi store right?

Well, I shall put the rest of them in the fridge and taste the others tomorrow then.


P.S. 江戸 (Edo, pronounced as “eh-do”) is the former name of the historic city now known as 東京 (Tokyo, pronounced as “toukyou”). Edo city was the seat of power for the Tokugawa bakufu (徳川幕府), a feudal regime, which ruled Japan during the Edo period, from 1603 to 1868.