


Next Tuesday, I’m gonna start my new Japanese language class in a new school! So looking forward to it! Wonder who the sensei is and what he/she will be like! And the good thing is, my friends will be studying along with me! 良かったです!This new school is the Tenrikyo Mission Centre – Cultural Section. It was recommended by an acquaintance I made over one of the Japan forums. Hopefully my oral Japanese can improve as I study in this school. Heard that they have several community activities as well, I want to join them all, especially their karaoke class! 🙂

Shall let you know how it goes after I have attended it! Cheers!

勉強の宿題: 僕の日記!

お久しぶりだ! 日本語の勉強先週は終わる。次の勉強楽しみにするよ!

これは勉強の宿題-僕の日記だ! 😀

Hello all, sorry have not posted in such a long time. I just had my Japanese exam last week and I passed! Score 90 out of 100 marks. Not bad I guessed, but I could have scored better if not for some careless mistakes and writing errors, but oh well, it is still not bad a score. Haha.

Here I want to share with all of you what I had written for one of my class assignments. We were told to write a diary entry on anything we want, and later on had to read out to the whole class on what we had written, and the lecturer will give her remarks or corrections (if any).

This is what I wrote:







As mentioned in this entry, I really miss Japan and really hope to have enough money to travel Japan again sometime soon. But this time, I want to be able to stay longer, and not just one week.

Oh well, time to get back to work now.
Till next time! またね!