
It’s been a long time! お久しぶりです!

Hello everyone! It’s been a long time!
Sorry to be away for so long.

I moved to Japan for work for two years and had no time to update this blog. However while I was away, I had received many comments, emails and feedback about this blog. Because of this blog, I even had requests from NHK wanting to interview me about Japanese restaurants.

I am deeply honoured for the publicity this blog has given me. Thanks to everyone who have kept this blog alive while I was away.

And now that I had moved back from Japan, I received many requests to re-start this blog. So here I am once again, eager to get this blog started. For a start, I have launched a new content page for all the content I have published some years ago. I have added two new sections, Japan Stories and Kuroshitsuji Musical, which I intend to update with some real content soon.

Till then, take care and enjoy my blog!

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分け合う為に 新しい機能を始める!


Hi everyone, thanks again for supporting this blog. From now onwards, this blog will have a new feature! You will be able to share the posts that you like, with your friends, over various platforms – Facebook, Twitter, Google Plus, LinkedIn, etc. Just press the respective button below each post! It’s that simple! Try it today!

Cheers! 😀

JLPT 終わった!皆、お待たせ!



Hi everyone, sorry for updating this blog as often as I should have in the past few weeks. Following my JLPT on July 3, I was busy working on my itinerary for submission to the Jalan Jalan Japan contest (poster see above). I have completed and submitted it yesterday and now hoping to get results soon.

Let me get back on track and deliver to you more content real soon.
Thanks for your support for this blog. Cheers!

新しいテニミュのページ作った! Tenimyu page is here!


Yes! I have decided to place all my Tenimyu links in one fixed page on this blog, as I was rather unsatisfied with my previous post (which I have deleted) since the links are all over the place.

For Prince of Tennis fans, please do check out this new page. You can access it by clicking on “テニミュ | Tenimyu” on the top right corner of any page of my blog. For non-fans, do check it out if you are interested!

I have yet to watch all of the musicals, especially the last one last year, and am looking forward to watching them all.

Hope you will enjoy them! Cheers!

Disclaimer: None of the links and videos on that page belong to me.

JLPT Practice


Sorry that I have not been updating the blog lately. I was busy with my revision and studies for the upcoming Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) on July 3, 2011. Rest assured that I shall be back with more exciting content after my test has ended.

For those who are also working on the JLPT test at the moment, here is a great resource page where you can view and practise on the past year JLPT papers, including the listening sections:!jlptindex.jsp

千人に 達した!




Thanks to everyone for your utmost support in this blog!

It has been 8 months since I first started working on this blog, and today, it has reached more than 1,000 hits! I am very glad for your support and hope that you will continue to support this blog in the future. And I will continue to work hard to upkeep this blog, as well as to work on bringing you more content. Thank you once again!

To show my appreciation, I have decided to present this special post, which will give you an insight into the history and “behind-the-scenes” work of this blog. Hope you will enjoy it and continue to support this blog!


P.S. Tip! Watch it in full screen 720pHD!

日本旅行のシリーズ 来た!


That’s right! The long awaited and much anticipated special series is here! For each week over the next two months, I will be blogging about a place that I have been to in Japan, making a total of 7 places in this series, as a recommendation for all travelers who wish to visit Japan! I will also be uploading photos and videos of these places, so do look out for them!

Cheers! 😀

《You are here: Writing for Tohoku》の電子書籍は、掲げりました!

その《You are here: Writing for Tohoku》の電子書籍は、掲げりました! から、PDF のコピーを買って、ダウンロードできますよ。英語で、一本大概 シンガポールの十二ドール六五セントぐらいです。



Yes! “You are here: Writing for Tohoku” is finally released after a long anticipated wait!



Yes, as I have mentioned before, I have started working on another blog since last week, in preparing to share some basics of the Japanese language to those of you who have not learnt Japanese before and are interested to pick up a few tips.

You can view the blog here: I will continue to update information that I know on that blog, so please do check it out if you have yet to do so. I appreciate your continual support for the blog as well.

As usual, I will work on the blogs (myjapancolors & myjapanclass) by writing html coding, so it will take some time before it is fully up. Do bear with me, and I hope to add a new post each day to expedite the process. Hope to get everyone’s support in doing something I love to do ^0^


新しいブログは 日本語の学習を 込める!


Yes! A new blog is in the making and will be up soon! This new blog will be in affiliation with the JapanColors’ Blog (the one you are viewing now), and will be known as the JapanClass’ Blog. It will feature easy-to-understand tutorials on the basics of the Japanese language to get all those who are new to the language started on a fun and exciting learning journey!

Be sure to check back for updates on the revelation of this exciting blog!

Cheers 🙂

新しいのページ 始めるよ!

そうだよ!It looks like I will be sharing more songs with everyone in the future, so I’ve decided to create a page to provide a summarized list of songs posted on my blog for everyone to access easily.

You can access this page by clicking on the “日本語の歌 | Jap Songs” tab on the top of every page.

Enjoy! 🙂

よし!新しい 日本料理推薦ページ!

そうだよね。新しい 日本料理推薦ページ!

Yes! Now you can look through the entire list of food reviews in this blog just with one click! The Japanese Food Recommendation Page is now up!

Just click here and you are off! It is also available at the top of every page!

Have fun! 🙂

好し!myjapancolors is now on Facebook!

In order to share more experiences with fans of Japan, myjapancolors is now on Facebook! Yes, a page has been created on Facebook with the objectives with this blog, so those of you who is too shy to comment on the blog, may now do so on our new Facebook page! New updates to this blog will also be posted on the Facebook page, so do look out for them!

Here is a link to the page: Become a fan now!


新しいの 特色始める!

Yes! A new feature of this blog is up with immediate effect!

From now on, you will be able to see my rating for all the Japanese food outlets that I visited. These ratings include 3 components: Service, Food and Price. I believe these ratings will help food lovers make an informed decision on trying any of the food I’ve tried.

Not to mention that from now on, all my photos will be tagged with my self-created 日本の色々logo to ensure authenticity.

Hence if anyone wishes to link from my blog, please do credit me ya! It will be the right thing to do! 🙂


P.S. For those who wonders what 日本の色々means: 日本の色々 is pronounced as “ni-hon-no-i-ro-i-ro” and it means the variety of Japan. In chinese, it can be translated to 日本的形形色色.