Help Japan

Let’s pray for Tohoku, one year on from 3.11.2011





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One year ago on this date, the Great East Japan earthquake and tsunami took place.

As today soon comes to an end, I want to pray with everyone who is reading this post right now.

I pray for both the casualties and the survivors, for Tohoku’s reconstruction and restoration to proceed without hitches, and for Japan to overcome all odds from this moment onward.

May peace fall on Japan for the upcoming years!

3.11 Seminar on Tohoku’s Reconstruction

昨夜私はJapan Creative Centreの研究会に参加しました。
シンガポールのLee Kuan Yew School of Public Policyの学生達提出してもらいました。


Source of picture: Japan Creative Centre




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Yesterday, I attended a seminar at the Japan Creative Centre. It was a seminar where 3 students of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Public Policy presented the information they have collected and their views on the reconstruction of Tohoku Japan after the March 11 disaster and the challenges Japan is and will face in the future. It was overall an informative and interesting seminar, and I have learnt a lot about Japan in that short one hour and a half.


先週の土曜日にシンガポールのJapan Creative Centreへ展覧会を見に行った。その展覧会は去年日本東北大津波の記念のためにした。「東北復興写真展~明日への力~」です。意味がたくさんあるので、皆も行ってください。

Last Saturday, I attended a photo exhibition at the Japan Creative Centre, Singapore. This photo exhibition is held as a memorial of the March 11 Great East Japan disaster which happened this time last year. The photo exhibition, entitled “Tohoku Photo Exhibition ~ Rebuilding for a Better Tomorrow ~”, is a meaningful event. If you are available, please do go and take a look at their photo exhibits.


This photo exhibition exhibits many drawings done by Japanese primary school students. Although the drawings may seem simple, they all contain wonderful meanings like the ones below.

Above: Hayato Kikuchi (P1 @ Higashi Matsushima Nobiru Primary School) – “Everyone is a friend”: I imagined that everyone in the world holding hands and living very peacefully.

3.11 Documentary: Japan’s children of the tsunami


About one year ago, the Great East Japan Tsunami struck. Now one year later, we have yet to forget about this devastating disaster. As we pray for the victims of this disaster, let us take some time to look at this video. This is a documentary produced by BBC, entitled “Japan’s children of the tsunami”.

After watching, what thoughts did you have? Share it with me, please.



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災害の一年前に、私は始めて一人で日本東北へ行きました。それに、自分で東北の人々の親切を経験しました。それで、その災害は私に強くて痛いインパクトがあります。あの時信じられないですが、すぐ何がしなければならないと思いました。最初はシンガポールでの大使館に、応援を上げに手紙を出しました。それから、自分の会社で募金活動を準備しました。一週間のあとで、日本での外国人のボランティアプロジェトを聞いてから、参加しました。それは「Write for Tohoku」のプロジェトです。参加する皆は東北にいる経験を書いて、本に集めて、売ってからの収益を全部日本東北の災害救助に上げました。そして、このブロぐで日本のニュースと募金活動のニュースをよく書きました。読んだ施した皆をどうもありがとうございました。




シーウェイ より

P.S. For readers who cannot read Japanese, please give me some time, I will post a translation of this entry soon. Thanks.




About 5 months after the disastrous March 11 earthquake transpired, Japan has done well in its rebuilding efforts although its currency and economy are still struggling to revive to its previous value. Tourism efforts for Japan are also very commendable, with the various initiatives JNTO and travel agencies have come up with – Jalan Jalan Japan, Travel Volunteer Project, Changi Japan Travel Fair, H.I.S. Japan Photo Contest, etc.

With this, I find this song very apt in encouraging and urging people in Japan after the disaster dampened the public mood, as it is very meaningful and heartwarming. I want to share it with everyone out there now, with the continual hope that Japan will work hard to become the ‘hometown’ all of us love!


新しいコマーシャルで 嵐だ!



In the newest commercial developed by Japan National Tourism Organization to draw tourists to visit Japan, Arashi was featured. My favorite idol group in Japan! I just love their songs, they inspire me a lot with their level of energy and positivity. And I love how they did with this commercial too! The nature places (Jun-san), the places to experience Japanese culture (Ohno-san & Shou-san), places to have fun and enjoy the sun (Aiba-san), and places with festivals (Nino-san) are what visiting Japan is all about! Not to mention the great food Japan has to offer! And onsens! OMG!

I can’t wait to be there for my next trip! Wait for me Japan! I am coming soon! xD

《You are here: Writing for Tohoku》の電子書籍は、掲げりました!

その《You are here: Writing for Tohoku》の電子書籍は、掲げりました! から、PDF のコピーを買って、ダウンロードできますよ。英語で、一本大概 シンガポールの十二ドール六五セントぐらいです。



Yes! “You are here: Writing for Tohoku” is finally released after a long anticipated wait!


Donations to Japan Quake begun since Tuesday

Due to time constraints, I will just make a quick post here.

The situation in Japan over the last 2 days has worsened since my last post, unfortunately. Explosions occurred at the Fukushima nuclear plant and there might be a risk of high radiation being released into the air. As such, people in surrounding areas are being evacuated. Let’s continue to give our blessings to those in Japan.

Singaporeans who are currently in Japan are advised to leave Japan to prevent risk of contagion, according to the MFA. If anyone requires help, they can contact:

Singapore Embassy in Tokyo
Tel: +81-3-3586-1824

Ministry of Foreign Affairs
Tel: +65-6379-8800, +65-6379-8855

In addition, donation and charity drives have begun in many places over the world. Particularly in Singapore where I’m in, individuals can donate through the Singapore Red Cross Society, via cash, cheque, ibanking or ATMs.

You can find out how you can donate by going to the Singapore Red Cross website here. Scroll down to the bottom of the page, and you can see the steps.

My friend told me today, if everyone in Singapore donates even as little as a dollar, then Singapore would have donated $5 million to Japan, which can make a whole lot of difference. I have donated $100, as much as I can spare from my month’s savings at the moment, and I hope that each and everyone can do the same, even if it is only $1. Each support can make a difference.

Those of you in other parts of the world, you can donate via the following avenues:

For people in Japan, refer to steps listed here to donate to Japan Red Cross.
For people in other parts of the world, click here to donate to American Red Cross.

Let’s do our part to give support and blessings to those in Japan.

Have you donated yet?

Stay strong, stay safe! Our hearts go out to all of you in Japan!

News reports showed that the destruction in Japan has gotten worse again, 1 day after the magnitude 8.9 quake occurred. Areas in Fukushima prefecture and Miyagi Prefecture (Sendai city) are hit the worst. Pictures also showed the destruction that the tsunami caused by carrying in boats from Aomori Harbor into the coastal regions, and the liquefaction of Sendai airport. The last I heard, about 1,300 people were estimated to have died in this natural disaster and 10,000 missing in Minamisanriku. Nearly 5.1 million homes in Japan are now without power.

12 Mar 2011 Reports

As I scored the web looking for updates on this calamity with the hope that the worst is over, I also come across many cynical remarks posted by forumites on how this calamity is a kind of retribution for Japanese harpooning whales. I’m sad to see some people can be such heartless, whether or not Japan is right or wrong in making the decisions they have done, no one should face such a tragedy. Singapore was once a colony of Japan when they invaded us, so does it mean that we should be happy when they are in dire times? NO! We should render as much help as we can, so that as many victims of this tragedy as possible can return to their homes safely, to be with their loved ones once again.

I have contacted my friends and teacher yesterday and made sure that they and their families are safe, and they are. 良かっただよね、心配した。I have also contacted the embassy of Japan in Singapore, and volunteered my assistance in any way that they may require. I hope to do a little more for Japan, apart from praying for them.

Therefore, once again, I would like to say a little prayer for the people in Japan.

A great calamity has befallen us. God, please give us the strength to pull through this ordeal, and may you watch over us and our fellow counterparts in Japan. May you bless their survival, and bring them to safety. For those still trapped in debris or without transportation to get home, I pray that they may be rescued and be with their family soon. For those who have received bad news about their loved ones, I pray that God can show them love and that they can stay strong. For those who are not residing in the affected areas, I pray that they continue to be blessed even when the worst is over. These, I, and everyone else out there in the world, ask in the name of God. Amen.

To anyone in Japan who is reading this, please for the sake of your loved ones, stay strong and stay safe. May God bless you all!

Let us pray for the people in Japan

A massive 8.9-magnitude earthquake hit Japan today, causing a 10-metre tall tsunami, sending ships crashing into the shore and carrying cars through the streets of coastal towns.

Japan lies on the “Ring of Fire”- an arc of earthquake and volcanic zones that stretches around the Pacific Rim and where about 90 per cent of the world’s quakes occur.

The first massive quake happened today at 2:46pm (0546 GMT). The magnitude 8.9 offshore quake was followed by at least 19 aftershocks, most of them of more than magnitude 6.0. Dozens of cities and villages along a 1,300-mile (2,100-kilometer) stretch of coastline were shaken by violent tremors that reached as far away as Tokyo, hundreds of miles (kilometers) from the epicenter.

The areas affected the most are Sendai, Fukushima, Yamagata and Tokyo. Currently, these coastal prefectures are experiencing tremendous floods, fire and rescue teams are despatched.

You can read reports about it here:

11 Mar 2011 (Fri)

When I heard the news and was reading about it online, my heart really sank. It is a very sad sad thing to happen. Even the most developed infrastructure of Japan will not be able to hold out to such a massive disaster that has happened, and that will continue to create other disasters like floods, tsunamis, fire outbreaks, collapse of buildings, tremors, etc. Even when I’m watching those news reports online, I really really cried for the people in Japan.

I am posting this here in the little hope that it can garner moral support from people – regardless of where you come from, whether you are a fan of my blog or just a coincidental by-passer, whether you know me or not – to come together and pray for those in Japan struck by this disaster.

I really hope the victims in Japan affected by this series of natural disasters will be brought to safety soon, and that the disasters will stop, as bad as they have already been.

Let us all pray for the people in Japan, that they can get home safely and that Japan can pull through this tide as soon as they can. 😦 😦