JLPT Practice


Sorry that I have not been updating the blog lately. I was busy with my revision and studies for the upcoming Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) on July 3, 2011. Rest assured that I shall be back with more exciting content after my test has ended.

For those who are also working on the JLPT test at the moment, here is a great resource page where you can view and practise on the past year JLPT papers, including the listening sections: http://jlpt.myweblesson.com/web/LessonExamine@examine!jlptindex.jsp

七月の日本語能力試験 登記を始めた!

Starting from 2011, the 日本語能力試験 or Japanese Language Proficiency Test (JLPT) is now being offered twice a year sitting, the new period being in July! Interested individuals can now register for the July JLPT! Click here for more details on where it is being offered and how to register!

Good luck! 頑張れ!